article written by Nicholas - your ukulele teacher

What are the differences between the ukulele and the guitar?

ukulele vs guitar

What are the difference between the ukulele and the guitar? What technics are similar?

For the same learning time, the ukulele is easier than guitar. You will get better results, and thus maybe more fun.

Many people wonder if ukulele is easier to learn or to play than guitar. Which one to start with? There are many factors to consider.

"Ukulele is just a small guitar"

Even if it has similar origins, ukulele and guitar differs in size and much more than that. I hear very often that a ukulele is just a small guitar. I hear it by kids walking down the street when I am playing downtown. I hear it by some adults too passing by.

To some extent, it might be considered that way. The ukulele is about 55% smaller than a guitar with 33% less string (53cm vs 64.8cm).

The ukulele is a symbol of holidays, sunshine and happiness.

However, because of the size of the box, ukulele will have a different sound than a guitar. Higher in pitch, it sound more to me like the sound of a paradise island. The ukulele is indeed associated to Hawaiian music, where it originates from.

The ukulele is indeed a symbol in itself. Iconic, it is linked to Hawaiian culture thus to holidays, sun, being relax, and happiness.

To dig a little bit into history: Portuguese migrants brought to Hawaii in 1878 small guitar-like instruments. They made similar instruments, and the ukulele was slowly born in the 1880s.

The word "ukulele" come from Hawaiian, literally ‘jumping flea’.

So yes, ukulele is smaller than guitar. But how does it differ?

What are the string names of ukulele vs guitar?

Another difference between ukulele and guitar is their strings.

What are the pitch of the ukulele compared to the pitch of the guitar?

To go back a little bit to the ukulele specifications, it has 4 strings, instead of 6 for guitars. It is tuned in a different way.

It means that each ukulele string will produce different notes than the guitar's. A ukulele is most of the time tuned in G C E A (or sol do mi la). But guitars is generally tuned in E A D G B E (mi la re sol si mi), from the lowest pitch (low E2) to the highest pitch (high E4).

To be more specific the ukulele is tuned in G4 C4 E4 A4, and the guitar is tuned in E2 A2 D3 G3 B3 E4. It means that the last E (E4) of the guitar has the same pitch than the string E (E4) of the ukulele!

What does the number after a note means (for instance A4)?

The numbers after the notes are the octave of the note. Both the letters+the number is a method of specifying musical pitch. It combines a musical note name (with accidental: if needed - ♭ or ♯) and a number identifying the pitch's octave.

The funny things about ukulele's strings is that the G string sounds higher than the A and the E strings. It's called re-entrant tuning.

Generally, for music instruments, each string has a higher pitch than the previous one.

The violin is tuned G3, D4, A4, E5. G3 is the lower string. Then comes D4, A4. And finally E5, which is the highest.

It is true for cello: the cello is tuned C2 G2 D3 A3.

It is true for the guitar: E2 A2 D3 G3 B3 E4.

But for ukulele, it is not: G4 C4 E4 A4, where G is higher than C and E - then E is higher than C, and A is higher than A.

The ukulele has a reentrant tuning: the last string (G) has a higher pitch than the two next (strings C and E)

As we have seen, guitars and ukuleless are tuned differently.

Similar technics

As ukulele and guitar are tuned differently, the chords won't have the same fingering from the ukulele to the guitar. It means that the place where you put your fingers from the left hand to do a A chord will be different.

Finger picking, strumming

Fingerpicking (when you pluck each string separately to play a melody) and strumming are the same than guitar. Of course there is less strings for the ukulele, and you have only 5 fingers on your right hand, not six, but it is kind of the same difficulty.

Strumming technics are the same for ukulele and guitar - even if we differentiate less ups and downs on the ukulele than on the guitar. On the guitar, when you go up, you want to accentuate lightly on the higher pitched strings. And when you go down, you want to insist a litle bit more on the lower pitched strings. Ukulele players usually don't do this.

When you learn ukulele, you can learn "easily" guitar

Nothing is easy. But the time that you spend learning and playing ukulele will be helpful to learn guitar. All the rhythm and the strumming technics will be (almost) the same. Of course you'll have to do some adjustment. But you will already have some basics.

When you learn guitar, you can learn "easily" ukulele

And vice-versa. When you play guitar, you can learn "easily" ukulele. Many technics are similar. But of course, if you want to master ukulele, you'll have to dedicate some extra time and years of study... years of fun time :)

It's not just about the length of the instrument

For many, playing guitar or ukulele is great. But there is more than that. The capacity to learn, and be consistent in your practice is important. You'll learn guitar or ukulele if you put your heart to it. And if you do what you love.

If you like singing over your music, then no matter what instrument you play, you can also progress with your singing. Progression is fascinating and stimulating, but it should be encouraged by the pleasure you get playing music.

Ukulele is easier to travel with

Ukulele is easier to travel with. I bring mine everywhere where I go. Do I go downtown for shopping? I have my ukulele. I go to meet some friends for dinner? I have my ukulele. I take the train or the car for a week-end trip? I have my ukulele.

I like to have a sit anywhere, and play a tune or two. Or more. It's so convenient, so easy. I have 10 minutes to wait? I can go in a park, sit on a bench, and play some chords to have fun.

The ukulele is extremely portable.

You can say that that doesn't make ukulele easier to play than guitar. And that's true. But the more you play, the easier it'll be for you -or at least, the better you will get. And the more you have it near you, the more you can play. Simple.

Is ukulele easier than guitar?

Is ukulele easier to play than guitar? Is ukulele easier to learn than guitar?

As the ukulele has two less strings than the guitar (four instead of six), it's generally much easier to play music and to play chords.

No muted string needed to play chords (99% of the time). Much less finger "gymnastic" is necessary.

After years of ukulele, I've looked to start guitar. When I saw that most of the basic chords use muting (or at least one should not strum on all strings), I just went back to my uke'.

For the guitar, out of the 21 basic chords (7 major chords, 7 minor chords, 7 seventh (7) chords), 11 have at least one string that is not played in the chord. Namely C, D, A, B, Cm, Dm, Am, Bm, C7, D7, A7, B7. 0 for the ukulele.

Of course you have more than one voicing for each note (you have more than one way to play the same chord), but I'm here just keeping to the standard way of playing the chords.

In my opinion, you may have a lot more fun starting to play the ukulele: if it's easier to start playing, you will have more fun to start with.

That said, even if ukulele seems easier than guitar, don't be lured by these words: it requires some regular and consistant practice to improve over time, and self motivation to keep improving.

Ukulele courses might help you

Can you play everything you play on a guitar on a ukulele?

Most of the thing you play on a guitar can be played on a ukulele.

You can play the A chord on a guitar, so can you on a ukulele. So main of the songs that use a guitar, you can play them with a ukulele. Of course, there are some exceptions.

Regarding classical acoustic music, the ukulele will have a smaller note range than a guitar. It might be a problem sometime, but it is always possible to arrange some music partition to play it on the ukulele all the same.


Ukuleles tend to cheaper than guitars.

The guitar is louder

The ukulele has a softer, quieter sound, so it is more practical to play it in an apartment without disturbing your neighbors

The guitar has got a bigger body, a bigger resonating box. It means that it will be generally, on average, louder.

However, the ukulele has a smaller body. It's thus more practicle to play it in a flat without disturbing your neighbours.

That said, electric ukuleles or electric guitars won't have a resonating box, so in both case, the music will be really quite - until you plug it into a big amplifier.

Ukulele is easier to play than guitar for kids

The ukulele is not just for kids. That being said, it's true that it's easier for a kid to play ukulele than guitar.


Even if there are several sizes of ukulele and several size of guitars, the ukuleles are smaller than guitars. Thus many people think it's better than bigger instruments for kids.

It seems more approachable by kids. It's easy for kids to grab and take them around.

Many ukuleles look like toys for kids! Small, with bright colors, and sometime with a fun drawing on it. There are instruments nonetheless.

strings tension VS fingers

Guitar strings might hurt a kid's finger. If it does, do you think that the kid will willingly practice during the week? Even some adults are sometime put off by the discomfort!

However, ukulele's strings have much less tension, and are easier to push on, without getting hurt.

Here are some tips if the fingertips are soar 'My fingertips hurts' when playing ukulele, guitar, mandolin, violin, cello. Here is what to do .

number of strings

Having 4 strings and not 6 means it's less complicated, it's easier to play most chords. No need to mute some strings (99% of the time), for the ukulele. It's another story for guitars. Harder. (For guitars, out of the 7 major chords - C, D, E, F, G, A - 4 requires muted/silenced strings. Whereas 0 requires that for ukuleles).

Lover, flirt: the guitar is your Cupid's arrow

Which is the most romantic instrument? Which is the instrument of love? What is the best instrument to flirt? What are the most sexiest instrument a woman can play? What are the most sexiest instrument a man can play? Which musical instrument attracts girls? What kind of musical instrument do women find most attractive? Which instrument should I learn how to play to impress a girl?

Let's make it clear, the guitar is the best instrument if you want to attract guys or ladies

OK, when talking about it, opinions have been divided between cello, piano, saxophone, ukulele, viola and guitar.

But the instrument that came more often than others was the guitar.

Who's mentioning the bagpipe here?

Check out Chris Cornell (Audioslave, Soundgarden), Matt Bellamy (Muse), Lenny Kravitz, Jon Bon Jovi... All of them are amazing music players, but on top of that they have so much sex appeal.

The ukulele has a fun, relaxed image that will intrigue your audience.

Think about it. If you see a random dude being on a stage, playing guitar, you put him on a pedestal. His status is above anyone else in the room (apart from his follow musicians also on stage). He is the leader. The guy toward which each eyeballs turn to.

It's true on stage. It's also true when you are playing on the street.

Beside the emotion that you convey in the music you are playing, being able to play an instrument is associated with physical and intellectual abilities. It's also related to persistence, tenacity. If you've been persistent enough to learn how to play guitar (or ukulele), you've put more effort than others (who are not musicians).

The guitar is also a classic symbol of rock star status and this tends to imprint on a woman's mind the attractive concepts of wealth and status.

One lead singer/guitarist + one drummer / VS one lead singer/ukuleleist + one drummer

Imagine being at a rock concert, and the band is composed of one singer/guitarist, and one drummer. He's playing your favourite tune and you love it.

Now imagine the same scene, but with one lead singer/ukulelist with one drummer.

On one hand, you have the rock band status. On the other hand, it's a different feeling: the singer might be fun and cute, but not as virile (for men especially).

A guitar is like a dog

Wait, it's not what you think.

Essentially, having a dog help you break the ice with people. When you are walking your dog, it may go to people to get pet ; some people on the other way may approach your dog as they could find "It's such a cute doggy".

No need to use cheesy pickup lines anymore.

It's exactly what a guitar (or a ukulele) is: when you play on a bench in a park, or if you busk, people will approach you, come and talk to you.


Guitar is like tennis

I'm not talking about the tennis' racket shape with which you can certainly play some air guitar.

Some people may say than playing guitar is more credible than playing ukulele.

Imagine a tennis player. Some are superstars.

Now imagine a field hockey player. How many famous field hockey player's name you know?

Although being a field hockey player is a hard task - you must train a lot, be fit, play well in a team, top tennis players will earn much more money and fame.

It's an extreme example, but it's somewhat the same for guitar players and ukulele players (even though in this case, it would be very intriguing for the crowd).

Go metal

Some may say that certain instruments are more fit for certain type of musics.

Electric guitars are more fit to play heavy metal than baroc style church music.

I love playing metal or heavy metal on my acoustic ukulele. It just sounds different. It's not heavy metal anymore, but it sounds great all the same.

With an electric ukulele, and with the proper sound system, you'll be impressed what your ukulele could sound like, when playing some metal!! I know, I was really surprised when I tried too.

However, it'll be much more credible if you are on stage with an electric guitar playing heavy metal, than if with a ukulele. However, the later would be so crazy and intriguing at the same time!

BUT the ukulele is a fun instrument to attract the opposite sex

To my experience, the ukulele is such a positive instrument with its unique sound, it gives such a sunny vibe that people love it.

When playing on the street, people often come to me. It makes me a lot more approachable. I don't have to go and chat with ladies, they come to me. I'm pretty sure that if I was a girl, it would be exactly the same.

So to my own experience, playing ukulele is a great instrument to attract the opposite sex.

Ukulele is a fun, good vibe instrument ; and it'll help you feel and reflect that.

The ukulele intrigues

Everybody knows the guitars. Everybody has seen a guitar concert at some point. Everybody has seen guitar player on the street playing their favorite jam.

But have you seen a ukulele player on stage? Have you seen a ukulele playing their favorite jam on the street?

It's more rare. That is why it intrigues people.

If it intrigues people, you will get more attention. You will get more people asking you about it.

And the more people comes talking to you, the better.

Guitar or ukulele to attract people?

Guitar is better as the lover image. But if you stand out of the crowd by playing ukulele or guitar, you'll have success. With a guitar OR a ukulele.

Because they attach you as something they already like (music, the ukulele/the guitar).

Because they admire you as as you've learned and work hard enough, and they only dream to do the same.

Because they like your music, the melody, and how you make them feel.

So grab one of the two, learn, and go out to play for yourself. People will hear your music, it'll be cool.

Ukulele or guitar, pick the one whose sound you prefer

During your practice sessions, you can have much more fun playing ukulele if you like the sound better.

In the end, if you prefer the sound of the ukulele, go for it!!

But if you prefer the sound of the guitar, then I'd advise to... play ukulele! OK, this is a joke as I might be a little biased on this one. After all this site is called and not "".


Despite having a similar origin, there are many difference between the ukulele and the guitar. Mainly its size and its pitch, its tone. About 55% smaller than a guitar and with 33% less string, the ukulele has a higher sound than its bigger counterpart.

They have many similar technics, and both can be used as great acoustic instrument to play modern pop and rock songs. In some regards, the ukulele is easier to start with and easier to play.

So pick the one you like, and go for it!

I hope this article has helped you :)

I hope you have a fantastic day.

And you?

  • What do you like the most about ukulele?
  • Do you agree about this comparison Guitar VS Ukulele?
  • What is the hardest on the ukulele?

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Nicholas, your ukulele teacher

Hey there! Looking for a fun way to strum your way into the world of music?

Well, look no further! I'm Nicholas, your friendly ukulele teacher extraordinaire! With my expertise and a sprinkle of laughter, I'll have you strumming those strings like a pro in no time.

Get ready to unleash your inner musician and embark on a musical journey.

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